Mustard Kitchen (a brand of Mustard Pixel) was founded by Ridhima Goel in 2015. With no prior knowledge or need, the love for baking struck her with a strong urge to bake her own bread, that is healthy and clean of preservatives, soon after giving birth to her daughter Esha! Meanwhile she did a lot of research on millet grains and healthy food options. Soon, she found herself experimenting with these healthy ingredients to bake some surprisingly delicious goodies! That's how it all started!

Mustard Kitchen is a family brand name for healthy conscious eating, where every celebration is made special by believing indulgence can also be made healthy! We decided to make simple cakes, exactly how it traditionally used to be made- just flour, butter and sugar! No artificial additions, no preservatives, no nonsense colours, no chemical whatsoever and not even the harmful sugar syrup! Instead we replaced the flour to organic wholegrain flour, sugar with natural sweeteners, seed fat replacing butter and fresh fruit for flavouring! This makes the most delicious and healthy cake ever and the constant love from all families who try our cakes, inspired us even more!
Our very first product to roll out was the much loved healthy cookies that are free of any raising agent or baking soda & powder – the first of its kind back then! These cookies are made with organic wholegrain, millet, jaggery and lots of love! Our other products which are not explored much in India are organic nut butters and sourdough bread & crackers – natural, clean and healthy!
We are always on the lookout for having a healthy addition to our product line but at the same time we make sure we never need to work with any preservatives or chemicals to serve them to our family! Even with our packaging we are very conscious of having reusable and recyclable packaging options.
To sum it up we are a conscious brand that believes healthy, natural ingredients are best for self and nature!